


作者:马威艳 来源:语言学系 时间: 2023-08-22



  摘 要






  第五章主要讨论了近代汉语反预期触发语“打算”“打量”的演变过程与机制。近代汉语时期,尤其在清代话本小说中,“打算”“打量”从“计算”“计量”义动词向认知义动词引申,发展出用来触发反预期的“以为”义用法,主要用来表示与言者、听者或他人的预期相反。“打算”的语义引申沿着“计算义 > 盘算义/考虑义 > 以为义”的演变路径;“打量”的语义引申沿着“丈量义 > 观察义 > 料想义/以为义”的演变路径。二者的反预期触发语演变主要源于力动态的失衡,且都经历了从动作动词到感知动词再到认知动词的演变过程。







  This dissertation focuses on the expressive forms used to mark and trigger counter-expectation in Early Modern Chinese, and discusses the semantic evolution process and mechanism of the two kinds of counter-expectation forms. The dissertation is divided into seven chapters, namely, the introduction chapter, five case chapters on the semantic evolution of counter-expectation forms, and the conclusion chapter.

  The first chapter mainly introduces the overseas and domestic research status, the significance of the topic, the research object, the research content, the research method and the research corpus. This chapter makes a comparative analysis of the main ideological schools of counter-expectation research, and the relationship between counter-expectation and mirativity and so on. At the same time, combined with previous studies, the counter-expectation forms are divided into counter-expectation markers and counter-expectation triggers. The monographic study that separates the counter-expectation triggers from the counter-expectation markers is of reference significance for the study of counter-expectation theory.

  The second chapter takes the counter-expectation markers buxiang (不想) and buqi (不期) in Early Modern Chinese as the research objects, analyzes the main categories of their counter-expectation meanings, and analyzes the evolution process of their counter-expectation meanings with diachronic corpus. Buxiang and buqi are counter-expectation markers that evolved from the phrases bu + xiang and bu + qi respectively through lexicalization. After investigation, the reason for their evolution of the counter-expectation usage is non-autonomy. This chapter also explores the categories of counter-expectation words that are used in conjunction with each other and combined with expectation words, as well as the expectation-enhancing and compound expectation functions that are used in conjunction.

  The third chapter discusses the multiple meanings, evolution process and mechanism of adverbs fan (反), jing (竟) and pian (偏) with counter-expectation meanings in Early Modern Chinese. Firstly, through the Chinese-English parallel corpus, the typical translation words of the three counter-expectation adverbs have been listed, the meanings and frequency of these translation words have been found, and then the adversative and emphasis meanings of the three adverbs have been pointed out. This chapter analyzes the evolution process, the semantic similarities and differences of fan, jing and pian from verbs to counter-expectation adverbs. At the same time, the dissertation summarizes the four logical structures of jing that produce subjective majority and subjective minority meanings, namely: minor premise → normal / excessive result (premise-oriented, subjective minority); normal / excessive premise → minor result (result-oriented, subjective minority); normal premise → excessive result (result-oriented, subjective majority); normal / excessive premise → minor result (premise-oriented, subjective majority).

  The fourth chapter mainly discusses the counter-expectation categories and evolution of Ba-structure in Early Modern Chinese. Ba-structure is a sentence pattern with strong subjectivity, and is classified into the following types: suffering Ba-structure, half Ba-structure and negative Ba-structure. The counter-expectation meaning mainly comes from the emphasis of the predicate part of Ba-structure and the uncontrollability of the result.

  The fifth chapter mainly discusses the counter-expectation evolution process and mechanism of the counter-expectation triggers dasuan (打算) and daliang (打量). In the Early Modern Chinese period, especially in the vernacular novels of Qing Dynasty, the meanings of dasuan and daliang were extended from verbs with meanings of “count” and “measure” respectively to cognitive verbs. Both of them developed the usage of yiwei (thought) to trigger counter-expectation, which were mainly used to express the opposite expectation to the speaker, the listener or others. The semantic extension of dasuan follows the evolution path of “jisuan meaning (count) > pansuan meaning (calculate) / kaolv meaning (considerate) > yiwei meaning (thought)”. The semantic extension of daliang follows the evolution path of “zhangliang meaning (measure) > guancha meaning (observe) > liaoxiang meaning (expected) / yiwei meaning (thought)”. The counter-expectation semantic evolution of both mainly resulted from the imbalance of force dynamics and experienced the process from action verb to perceptual verb and then to cognitive verb.

  The sixth chapter mainly discusses the reference, the evolution process and mechanism of the counter-expectation triggers of NP Jia (NP家) in Early Modern Chinese. Five types of NP Jia which can trigger counter-expectation were frequently appeared in Early Modern Chinese, namely, bare NP Jia, yige NP Jia, ADJ + NP Jia, Personal Pronoun + NP Jia and Personal Pronoun + yige NP Jia. The counter-expectation meanings of these five forms mainly stem from their referential functions. The dissertation further divides the five forms of NP Jia into three categories: simple form, finite form and compound form, and discusses their semantic evolution respectively. The semantic evolution of Jia goes through the process of “family (real) → the person with a certain identity (a little virtual) → the person with a certain identity who should complete some certain behavior (more virtual) → counter-expectation trigger (most virtual)”. The nature of NP Jia referring to specific individuals with a certain identity promotes the evolution.

  The seventh chapter clarifies the concepts related to counter-expectation, and generalizes the relationship between counter-expectation and subjectivity, grammaticalization, emphasis and negation. At the same time, this chapter summarizes the main evolution path of counter-expectation, that is, it mainly evolves from expected deviation and unexpected surprise, which can be manifested as counter-expectation inconsistent with quality or quantity. Finally, the chapter points out the limitations of the dissertation and the direction of efforts in the future.


  KEY WORDS: counter-expectation marker; counter-expectation trigger; process of evolution; mechanism of evolution; Early Modern Chinese