


作者:印雪 来源:语言学系 时间: 2023-08-25

印 雪


  摘 要








  第六章托口方言韵母。描写托口方言韵母的演变特点,包括韵类分合关系、等的分别、古开合口和今四呼的关系。重点讨论效流摄合流的原因和路径、梗摄的演变与层次。效流摄合流应该属于方言自身的演变。效流摄合流路径:流摄一等主要元音偏前,滋生[i]介音后变成了,与效摄三四等合流。效流合流之后,效摄一二三四等合流,一、三四等合流到二等,今读[au iau]。梗摄开口二、三等舒声韵母今读是托口及周边方言共有的最早的层次,今读是最晚近的层次。梗摄开口二等今读[ian]的是外来的层次。本文推测托口梗摄开口二等舒声韵曾存在一个文读层。今读[ian]的演变路径是:曾臻摄合流→梗摄文读与曾臻摄合流→深臻曾梗合流 [ian]。






  Tuokou dialect belongs to Huaijing cluster of Southwest Mandarin. It is located in the border area of Southwest Mandarin and Hunan dialect, but also under the influence of Jiangxi immigrants, so the phonetic appearance is more complex. On the basis of investigation, this paper describes the phonlogical system, the law of phonetic coordination, the comparison table of ancient and modern sounds, analyzes and summarizes the law of phonetic evolution, tone sandhi and neutral tone, summarizes the literary and colloquial readings, records the homophony syllabary, more than 5000 words, more than 50 sentences and some long corpus. Some special phonological phenomena are discussed.

  This paper is divided into seven chapters.

  Chapter One is introduction. This part summarizes the geographical location, historical evolution and dialect of Tuokou Town. It summarizes the achievements and current situation of dialect research in southwest Hunan, and expounds the purpose, significance and methods of this study.

  Chapter two is phonlogical system. This part describes the phonlogical system , the rules of voicing coordination, and summarizes the situation of soft tone, the literary and colloquial readings. Tuokou dialect has 22 initials, 37 vowels and 6 tones. The neutral tone of Tuokou dialect is short and light, which has three categories including high, medium and low. The pitch of the neutral tone is not affected by the tone of the first word in the two-word group, and is generally determined by the tone of the second word. The neutral tone is related to grammatical structure.

  Chapter three is the comparison between ancient and modern phonlogical system of Tuokou dialect.

  Chapter four is homophony syllabary.

  Chapter five initials. This part describes the relationship between initials, which foucuses on the evolution of the MC voiced initials and the initial group of Zhi(知)Zhuang(庄)zhang(章).

  It is the evolution of dialect that the shu-sheng words with the MC voiced initials voiced initials become unaspirated and the erntering -tone words become aspirated.The erntering -tone words becoming unaspirated is later and influenced by Southwest Mandarin. The feature that the MC voiced initials de-voicing with aspration is same as Xiang dialect and it may from Xiang dialect,

  Which the Zhuang group and level 2 characters of zhi group is different from the zhang group and level 3 characters. The initial group of Zhi(知)Zhuang(庄)zhang(章)of Tuokou dialect is one in early time. The Zhuang(庄)group and level 2 characters of zhi group reads[ts]group.The zhang group and level 3 characters reads [t?] group. Now the evolution is that the initial group of Zhi(知)Zhuang(庄)zhang(章) are combined into one group and reads [ts] group. Judging by the rate of evolution ,the group of zhang(章)and zhi (止)she are the lowest. Level 3 of Zhuang(庄) group in liu(流) she reads [t?]which is related to the finals of liu(流) she.

  Chapter six finals. This part describes the evolution of finals, including the relationship of finals、division and the relationship between MC open-mouth ,closed-mouth, four voices.Discussing the reasons and path of combinaton of Xiao(效)she and liu(流)she, the strata and evolution of Geng (梗)she. The combination of Xiao (效)and Xiao(流) she is evolution.The path:the primary vowel  of first division of liu(流)is forword which formed [i-]medial and becomes  ,and then merged into third and fourth division of Xiao(效)she.After it,four division are combined.The first division ,third division and fourth division are merged to the second division,which reads [au iau].The open-mouth of second and third finals which reads [a? ia?] in Geng (梗) is the early strata of Tuokou dialect and the dialect of nearby towns. Which reads [?n in] is the later strata. Which reads [ian] is the external strata. This part speculates that there is a strata .

  Chapter seven tones. This part describes the evolution of tone,which focous on the evolution of MC shangsheng with voiced initials ,MC qusheng with voiced initials and entering tone. The MC qusheng reads yangqu which is evolution and reads yinqu which is influenced by Southwest Mandarin.The yangqu will not disappear. The yinqu and yangqu will not merge into one tone.

  The early tone of Tuokou dialect is divided into yin and yang categories conditioned by the different initial consonants. The entering tone with voiceless and semi-muddy initials has merged into yin entering tone while one with voiced initials have merged into yang entering tone. The existing tone is the early yin entering tone.Due to the similar tone value, the entering tone has a tendency to confluence with the shang tone. Some of the entering tone with voiceless have merged into yinqu tone may influenced by xiang dialect, others merged into yinqu tone may connected with gan dialect. Some entering tone with voiced has merged into entering tone may have been influenced by Southwest Mandarin.


  Keywords The dialect of Tokou town in Hongjiang county,Hunan province,Huaijing cluster of Southwest Mandarin,featuers,strata and evolution